Capable Canines of Wisconsin, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that trains and places service dogs. They are dedicated to providing assistance and support to children and adults living with autism, seizures, and physical disabilities. If in need of assistance please contact
Capable Canines of Wisconsin, Inc.
P.O. Box 34
Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650
(608) 561-2269
We wanted to give you an update on Annie, from Drake and Cami’s Feb 2012 littler. We got Annie to train as a therapy dog and since she was 8 weeks old, she has gone to an Alzheimer’s assisted living facility to visit her “grandmother”. The residents and nurses have enjoyed watching her grow up. At 18 months, because of her love for the water, we decided to start training her to retrieve. Under the direction of a local retriever trainer, Bill Moses, Annie quickly became a marking machine and earned her HRC Started Dog Title 2 ½ months later. Even with the late retriever training start, Bill has her on her way to being a great competitor. This is the 3rd dog Bill trained from Sievers and he is impressed with their drive to retrieve while staying a calm family dog. When she turns 2, she will be eligible to enter the Touch Therapy class at St. Louis Support Dogs to begin her formal therapy training. Thank you for providing such an all around great dog.
Connie and Mike
Imperial, MO
Dear Sievers Retrievers
It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that we lost our beloved Duke on Oct. 6th of 2013. He was from Buck and Sassys litter January 1, 2000. We were blessed with him for almost 14 years-all of them good.He was a hunting machine, and one of the best friends we have ever had. I have attached 3 pictures of him, doing what he loved. We will miss him so much. The picture on your home page of the pup and man after a hunt is Duke and my husband Jim. Duke was only 10 months old in that picture, but out-hunted all the more experienced hunting dogs. I have also attached a picture of Lincoln, our other lab, Canada Goose hunting. He is from Hunter and Gracie November 23, 2003. He will be 10 years old next month, but you wouldnt know it to look at him. He is still very puppy-like in many ways. Absolutely the sweetest and smartest dog ever. This will probably be his last year hunting. Both of the boys were the best puppies, and very easy to train. So much of that reflects on you as the breeder, taking such good care of what you do. We are not quite ready for another one, but we will be back to see you when we are.Thank you so much for everything you do.
Louise and Jim Smith
St. Louis, MO
We came on May 4th and got the Goldendoodle from Marly and Cooper. I have the son, Ethan with special needs. I hope you remember us. I really wanted to tell you what a great addition to our family he is. We named him Eddie. It stands for Ethan’s Dog(Eddie). He is wonderful and smart and sweet and loving. He was potty trained within 2 weeks with the potty chimes. And we really love him. BUT what he did last night was unbelievable. Ethan got out of bed and fell and we were working on a house all day so we were exhausted so we slept through it. Ethan was laying on the floor and couldn’t get up and Eddie barked until we woke up. Just thought you would like to know what a great dog he is. Thank you so much and hope to see you all again sometime!!
Ronnie Herman
Owner Preston Barrow, 14, of St. Louis, watches as his dog Indy, a Golden Retriever, jumps during a practice run at the Splash for rescues event at Belleville Crossing on Friday afternoon. Indy is rated sixth in the world for the “Big Air” event.
Hi, Sievers Family
We thought you would like to see what one of your pups is up to. This is our third golden from your great kennel; every dog we have had over the past 17 years has been so special. Thank you again for this wonderful, loving dog that would do anything for his master, Preston.
Take Care,
The Barrow Family,
St. Louis MO.
Dear Michelle, Roger, Carla and the whole Sievers Team,
My wife & I….. (David & Mary Jane Florence) are proud to announce to you that our beautiful (5) yr. old Golden Retriever (MarJus) was officially crowned with her AKC Master Of Agility Champion Pedigree on February 19th 2012 at the National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis, MO. The following info and pictures are attached to this email along with conversation between myself and Carla (4) yrs. ago in another email below that you may find amusing and interesting on MarJus’ progression in the sport of AKC agility.
We received/picked up MarJus….hence, (Mar) for Marly – Marly Of Matty & (Jus) for Justice – Desi’s Justice For All…. thus (MarJus) in March of 2007 and who was born into the Marly/Justice litter on January 27th 2007. First of all…… we would like to thank you for breeding such a wonderful, kind, intelligent, sweet & loving Golden Retriever. She has been more than we could have ever dreamed of when we visited you (5) yrs. ago. We had “NO” intention that we would someday compete with her in AKC agility or that she would be a national competitor…………… but that is exactly what she has turned into. We started training with a professional agility school/instructor after she was approx. 15 months old. MarJus really liked the sport and progressed much more rapidly than anticipated as I handle her in the competition ring to this day. We eventually entered her into her first AKC trial/show in July of 2008 and she won 1st place in that first novice division trial and we really began to think we had a special athlete in the family……maybe?? Through many many long hours of training, (3-4) times a week and entering AKC events two/three times a month, we were hooked on this as an overall wonderful family experience. To this day, we continue to train three/four days a week and we also attend various health & wellness seminars along with agility seminars across the midwest to gain as much professional knowledge from the best in the country to keep MarJus healthy and in “tip-top” shape! Fetching tennis balls, swimming and just hanging out with the children in the neighborhood are her favorite past-times when not running agility.
Eventually……………MarJus breezed through the Novice, Open and finally into the Excellent division of AKC agility and began her quest for “total point recognition” in trying to accumulate a Champion Pedigree through competing. After approx. (3 1/2) yrs. of entering events all across the midwest in several states and also a few across all over the U.S. combined with traveling, staying in hotels and continuous practice….. we finally reached the apex of this sport…….(MACH)!!!
MarJus recently was invited to the U.S. National Championships for her overall performance over the last previous year (2011). We attended the championships in Reno, NV this past Mar./Apr. 2012 and “showed” very well in that championship placing #23 overall of “ALL” dogs competing in the 24″ division out of only the very best (90) dogs in the U.S within that 24″ division. There was an overall total of (900) dogs in all (7) divisions 4” thru 26″. Needless to say……we are very proud and we look forward to competing in the National Championships as Tulsa, OK will host next year’s special event. We plan on being in Tulsa and competing to the best of our ability. As long as MarJus gets total enjoyment from this and it’s a positive overall experience, we plan on giving her the resources to be her very best. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
We are proud to announce MarJus’ official “NEW” pedigree name:
MACH Florence’s Gorgeous MarJus ~ SR40115506.
David and Mary Jane Florence
This is Carter and his new partner Cindi, he will help Cindy
with Balance and retrieving items. His parents are Tommy Girl and Spencer.
Graduated from Support Dogs of St. Louis Service Dog Program on Nov. 4th, 2011
Chopin is a hearing dog and will alert Sonny to everyday sounds and possible danger.
Graduated from Support Dogs of St. Louis Service Dog Program on Nov. 4th, 2011
Marly and Hoss litter from Sievers Retrievers
Dexter is Sandy’s partner, he helps her with walking and balance. She has MS.
Quincy is from Miss Cool and Harley 2008 Litter
Brock Dahlke of Shakopee, Minn. Enjoys doing the things most other twenty-year-old do: hanging out with friends and playing video games. But he has an unfair advantage – the ability to double team his opponents. The name of his secret weapon is Quincy, a 2-1/2-year-old Mobility Assist Dog who has been trained to retrieve objects for Brock. When Brock’s friends come over to play, Quincy will sometimes take their game controller and deliver it to Brock. Good Boy!
Brock has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and gets around with the help of a power wheelchair. In addition to retrieving items and opening doors for Brock, Quincy was specially trained to nudge Brock’s arm back into place when it falls off the wheelchair, and then push Brock’s elbow forward so his arm will stay put.
Brock had a assistance dog previous to Quincy, so he was confident in his ability to work with dogs and communicate what he wants the dog to do. Even so, he says, I was impressed by how quickly Quincy and I worked together as a team, and how well Quincy learned the specialized commands unique to my situation.
Beve DeChon, the field-trainer that worked with Quincy and Brock, says, The Team bonded with each other almost immediately, and were very easy to work with. Quincy has a real drive to see that Brock gets whatever he needs. Apparently, even helping outfox the competition!
Our assistance dogs fetch amazing things
Can Do Canines, 9440 Science Center Drive, New Hope, Minnesota 55428
Here’s the link for Jake’s (KT X Bubba, July, 2007) official Therapy Dog Web Page. You can peruse the site for more information on the programs:
He completed 8 Rally Obedience Titles/Championships in 2010 and has joined the ranks of the 0.8% of Goldens out of the 2 million registered who have AKC Excellent Level Titles. Jake’s registered name is now: ARCH RL1X Jake of Rhonels RE RL3 CW-ZR1 CW-Obd1 CGC and he can be found in In Spring, 2011 he will be in Front and Finish magazine with the 2010 Obedience Allstars of the Obedience Club we belong to. He obtained his AKC Tracking Certification after tracking only 3 months in October, 2010. It was difficult to get into a TD test this fall so we will hopefully get our TD next year. We recently started Variable Surface tracking and he’s progressing nicely. He also finds time for his absolute favorite activity – speed retrieving/swimming. Freestyle Dance (I am serious) is his next favorite pastime and we belong to a Canine Drill Team. Jake is truly a once in a lifetime dog who is the role model golden that is described in breed standards for personality, temperment, trainability, biddibility etc.
Hi Everyone!
We just wanted to drop a line and let you know how well Nick is doing. We can’t believe he is 2 years old already! He is doing so great with everything. He is going to church and school and into the therapy center with all of the disabled kids and he just absolutely loves all of them. He was invited to attend school with Malia this year as she decided to go back to regular school this year instead of homeschooling. Right now he is staying home while Malia is in school to help with our baby Rowan’s physical therapy. He can learn a new trick or command so easily that we decided to teach him things to help her with her mobility issues. She was born last year right after she suffered a stroke while inutero. This left her with very limited use of her left arm and leg, cerebral palsy, and deaf on the left side as well. She LOVES to work with Nick and he is so patient with her while she climbs all over him and while we encourage her to use her left hand to pet him and learn texture. This next year we will be teaching him to stand still and help support her while she stands. So far so good! He is still alerting really well and doing great in public. We are so proud of the sweet and smart boy he has become! Here are some of the most current pictures we have taken of him. He loves to snuggle with whomever is sick or not feeling well. He thinks he is much smaller than he is though! He is about 75-80 pounds most of the time, and can fit himself quite neatly under a table or chair while we are out. We are never without many comments and compliments when we are out about town or at one of Malia’s softball games. He is a true blessing to our family! We will try to send more pictures soon, and thanks for all your help with him.
Sincerely, The Bever Family
This is Glider(Golden Doodle from our male Max)and Carolyn. Glider was trained by from St. Louis MO. Glider will be graduating from training on Oct. 29th, 2010 and he will be placed with Carolyn.
In Support Dogs of St. Louis Service Dog Program
Date of Birth 7/3/09 out of our male Drake and Halle is litter
mate to Chester and brother to Sharpie, Ruby and Benelli
In Support Dogs of St. Louis Service Dog Program
Date of Birth 3/25/10 from Marley and Hoss
In Support Dogs of St. Louis Service Dog Program
Date of Birth 7/15/09 from White Angel and Gunner
I am attaching pictures of three of your pups that we picked up this week. They are Dalton, Branson (male), and Dixon. I have to tell you, they are sweet, so sweet. Branson and Dixon have went to the prison, we decided (actually Nadine’s daughter Dalton decided) that Dalton (the puppy) needs to go to a puppy raiser so she can see her name sake more often. We happen to have a puppy raiser that has been waiting for an older puppy. The first night here they all were clean and dry over night about 8 hours, they are all learning to walk on a leash and played in the back with an older service dog in training that actually also came from you, Ginger. I will get more pics of them in their service vests as soon as I can. Thanks AGAIN for supporting what SDI does and giving us more GREAT pups for our program.
Gayln Bratcher – Office Administrator and Support Dogs, Inc. 11645 Lilburn Park Road St. Louis, MO 63146
Diesel is in training at Support dogs, Inc. out of St. Louis Mo.
Diesel is a son to Our male Drake and female Kahlua owned by Gaylin Bratcher – Dog Trainer from Support Dogs, St. Louis MO.
It’s hard work trying to be a very good dog all the time. And when it comes to succeeding in preschool, it’s equally hard to be a well-behaved little boy or girl for hours at a stretch. Nobody understands these two things better than Waco, a floppy-eared, doe-eyed chocolate Labrador retriever whose destiny has nothing to do with typical doggie pursuits like fetch or chewing up errant socks. Instead, his role is to be the best-behaved, most-gentle and emotionally docile student in a classroom charged with childhood energy. As far as his adult handlers can tell, Waco appears to be the first fully trained therapeutic service dog in the country working to soothe an entire classroom of preschoolers every school day. You can read about him on this link to St. Louis Post Dispatch.
Waco is out of our Female Josie and Male Drake!
Here is a update on some of the dogs that from Sievers Retrievers has in Support Dogs, INC. St. Louis MO.
This is Jolly Roger “Roger” and Lana. Great pics. Roger had to learn to adjust to Lana depending on what kind of day she is having, sometimes walking sometimes in a wheel chair.
This is Lillie, she is from my Kahlua and Drake DOB July 2007. Her partner is Joe.
Mystique’s son Dayton (Hunter is sire DOB July 13, 2007) Dayton is with his new partner Ron. As you can see Dayton has a VERY important job to do and he is doing it well. Today is graduation for 5 dogs with our clients. The dogs are Michelob, Jud, Austin Dallas and Dayton. Dayton is Hunter’s Son and our brother to Ruby, Sharpie, Benneli, and Ruger!
This is Mason he is full brother to Benelli, Sharpie, Ruby and Ruger. His partner is Lois Lee.
Memphis, shown here at our 2009 puppy raiser picnic relaxing, is currently with his foster family awaiting to be called in for his final training also in the spring. He will also be placed as an Autism Assist Dog.
Hearing and Service Dogs Of Minnesota
Midas, the golden shown here in his Halloween horns, has one last health clearance (heart certification) and then he will also begin his final training in the spring. We have hopes that he will be trained and placed as an Autism Assist Dog.
Hearing and Service Dogs Of Minnesota
Quincy, the chocolate lab in his P.J.s at training class is still with his puppy raiser and will be called in for his final training this spring when we move to our building.
Hearing and Service Dogs Of Minnesota
Rodney, the yellow lab currently is certified and working as an Autism Assist Dog and will be graduating in the spring, so keep your eyes out for him, he will be featured in our upcoming newsletter.
Hearing and Service Dogs Of Minnesota
Violet and Daisy shown here hard at work, are happily living on a horse ranch together until they become mothers of future service dogs.
Hearing and Service Dogs Of Minnesota
Happy Holiday’s from Support dogs from St. Louis and everyone here at Sievers Retrievers
New puppies that are now at Greeville Prison for there start of training for Support Dogs Inc. from St. Louis MO. Chief, Captain, Jiffy, Kelly, Pierce, and Smokey these are all from Sievers Retrievers.
Charlee is doing extremely well. I’ve attached a copy of the photo used for our trading card for the Sheriff’s Department & an early photo of her with the dog team…I’ll send you a few in the mail when they come in from the printer. She’s been scent training in HRD (human remains detection) with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and has trained with the FBI and Border Patrol. I expect her to be fully qualified in the next 4 months.
Reserve Lt. Chuck Williams
Orange County Sheriff’s Department
Search & Rescue Unit
Orange County, CA
Greetings Roger,
Charlee celebrated her 2nd birthday a couple of weeks ago and is doing GREAT. At 14 months she became certified for HRD (human remains detection) and we are currently in process on becoming certified in Wilderness Air Scent. We work public relations for the OCSD regularly, appearing off lead in crowds of 6,000 people she loves to interact with folks and could not be more obedient. Her natural play-drive has her excelling in her Search and Rescue mission. I could not imagine a better dog, thanks for everything! Pressing on, Chuck & Charlee
Reserve Lt. Chuck Williams Orange County Sheriff ‘s Department Search & Rescue Unit
Hello Roger
Just wanted to let you know that Maggie Mae, our Departments newest Urban Search and Rescue K9 (in training) is doing well and getting bigger! Shes now 15-weeks old, and participated in the City of Dana Point, California Festival of the Whales parade. The attached photo was taken on Saturday, March 3, 2007, just before the start of the parade.
We have already started her socialization training, exposing her to all different kinds of environments. She�s visited some schools, Home Depot, a lumber yard and some construction sites. She is handling the travel and new environments in stride.
The department and I are very happy with our new member! More photos and updates soon!
R/Capt. Steven Riches Orange County Sheriff ‘s Department Search and Rescue Unit 1800 W. Katella Avenue Suite 102 Orange, California 92867 BR>
Wanted to let you know what an awesome pup, King has been for our family – Golden DOB 11/10/08 to Lady & Hawk. This is our first puppy raising experience with Support Dogs of St. Louis and it has made us a believer in Goldens. I have said “no more forever dogs in our home”, after King moves on…I have a feeling you may see us stopping by to take a look around.
> > Thanks for all of your support.
> > The Barton’s of Imperial, MO
Two of my Labs, Desi and Danna, came from Roger and Michelle Sievers. They are both Certified as TOUCH Therapy Dogs through Support Dogs Inc. They bring happiness and many smiles to a lot of people. Danna has a son getting ready to graduate the Service Dog Program and another son that does therapy visits to a local hospital, like she does.
Roger and I together researched my Mystique’s pedigree and I purchased her from a breeder with confirmation champion lines. Mystique had her first litter May 5, 2005. Of the 9 pups in the litter, 4 boys are owned and being trained on site in Support Dogs Service Dog Program. 2 females are owned by Julia Bahr, Couseling Connections in Festus, MO and being trained to be on site Family Couseling Therapy Dogs. Roger Sievers bought 2, a yellow male, Bennelli, and black female, Ruby.
I have been to Support Dogs facility to watch the 4 boys, Magnum, Major, Mason and Max. I went on an “outing” with them and 2 of them have been to visit me at my home. The willingness to please, work and retrieve is so strong and the temprament of all is outstanding. The boys have learned to turn on lights, take off watches (leather buckle bands), take off shoes, socks and jackets , open and close doors and retrieve anything that is dropped without damaging or swallowing it, including coins.
I am very proud of this litter and can’t wait to see them all grown up, as well as off spring of Bennelli and Ruby’s. I have included 2 pictures of Starquests Mystique by Desiree “Mystique” (black) and Chablais Magnum “Magnum” (yellow) as well as a picture of 3 of the boys when we went on the “outing” to West Port Plaza ,they were 4 months old. Gayln is the AKC Canine Good Citizenship evaluator.
Gayln Bratcher
Desiree’s Labradors and Puppy Obedience Training
De Soto, Mo
Support Dogs have taken four of Ruby and Benelli’s siblings and they are being trained to be wheelchair assist dogs. At a year old the dogs have showed how intelligent they were.
Service Dogs in Training for Wheelchair Assist Dogs
These Puppies went to Greenville, Illinois to the Federal Pentationary to be trained for SDI to help the physically Challenged Clients. The puppies are listed as in the picture from left to right: George, Rush, Elroy, and Dayton. These are Benelli, Justice, Drake and Hunter’s four sons.
Gayln Bratcher Office Administrator and Trainer
Sara Martin-Kennel Staff
SDI in St. Louis
This is Mason with a boy that has Down syndrome. Mason is a brother to our dogs Benneli, Ruby, Rugar and Sharpie. Mason has been a wonderful friend to him. He gets him up every morning and meets him when he comes home from school. He was trained by Support Dogs Inc of St. Louis MO. and has been placed with a great family, Mason has helped him out tremendously.